Eco-Technology Workshops (ETW): Training-Service-Innovation

  • First Phase:
5 Eco-Technology Workshops (ETW): Training-Service-Innovation, and a Business Incubator and Co-working spaces [modular Phase, scalable implementation]
      • Business Incubator and Co-Working spaces
        • Identification, formulation, evaluation, incubation, management, training, and monitoring of productive start-ups (including Eco-Technologies, ICT/Internet services, software applications, renewable energies, water recycling, eco-construction, organic agriculture, nutrition, medicinal plants)
        • Desks, offices, meeting rooms and event spaces; ICT/Internet services
      • Digital skills: Internet Services, e-Commerce, PC Networks; mobile phones [training, installation, maintenance and repair]
      • Mini Solar Photovoltaic Systems [training, installation, maintenance and repair]
      • Eco-Sanitation (Water Recycling) and Rainwater Recovery [continuous anaerobic process in small waste-water treatment systems; safe, hygienic, and accessible sustainable sanitation] [training, installation, maintenance and repair]
      • Solid waste and e-waste recycling [Circular economy solutions and industrial processing] [training, installation, transformation/manufacturing processes and maintenance]
      • Ecological construction [low-cost, energy-efficient, local materials, Eco-Construction systems, improvement of traditional construction systems] [training, building, maintenance and repair]
ETW Workshops are focused on Active, Critical, Collaborative and Transdisciplinary Learning (ACCL), on cognitive, analytical and problem-solving tasks, and communication and interpersonal skills.
    • Training Courses/Cycles in each Eco-Technology Workshop: Training-Service-Innovation
      • 5 Training Courses/Cycles per year in each Eco-Technology Workshop
      • Course: 160 hours of practical and theoretical training [4 hours/day, 40 days, 8 weeks]
      • 20 women and young people in each Eco-Technology Workshop: Training-Service-Innovation
      • 500 women and young people trained per year in the Workshops of the Centre for Eco-Technologies [100 women and young people trained per year in each Workshop]
      • Students receive a CET Certificate of Eco-Technology Skills in the subject of each Eco-Technology Workshop: Training-Service-Innovation (levels 1 to 3)
      • Training Unit Cost for each student can be covered in three ways:
        • Contributions from government and private partners
        • Financial Aid Programme
        • Individual payments
    • Second Phase:
5 Eco-Technology Workshops (ETW): Training-Service-Innovation + Productive Projects:
    • Mini Wind Turbine Systems (VAWT)
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (drones)
    • e-Agriculture , e-rural commerce, food security and nutrition
    • Biodiversity conservation
    • Mini Turbo-Hydro Power: low cost, ecological, low-pressure Vortex-Turbine hydro power
    • Productive projects for sustainable community development
      • ‘Fresh-Fridge’: no-energy refrigerators
      • SeBikA – Solar e-Bike for all
      • Litre of Light and Solar Energy
      • Blackboard Laptop
WhatsApp Image 2023-12-22 at 7.53.11 PM (1)